Preparation for Umrah: A Step-by-Step Guide

Anyone going for Umrah soon feels the immense responsibility of doing everything right. This is the ultimate golden chance for Muslims to fix their relationship with Allah Almighty. And whoever gets the chance wants to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Do you also want the ultimate faith revival and peace during your Umrah journey? If so, you must go through a step-by-step guide on preparation for Umrah if this is your first time planning your pilgrimage.

You might be curious about so many things if you already have an Umrah visa and want to start preparing for the journey soon. But it is time to eliminate all the confusion with this guide. So, let’s not waste any time and get to this guide without any delay.

Prepare Yourself Mentally, Spiritually, and Physically

Before you learn about Umrah Packages 2025 and start the booking process, there are some things that you will have to work on. You must start changing yourself according to the will of the Almighty. Also, you must know how to prepare yourself spiritually, physically, and mentally.

How to Prepare Yourself Spiritually?

  • Start by increasing your daily Dhikr.

  • Spend more time remembering Allah Almighty.

  • Make Du'as for your journey.

  • Learn how blessed and rewarding the Umrah journey is.

  • Spend quality time with your loved ones.

  • Ask for forgiveness from all your friends and family.

How to Prepare Yourself Mentally?

  • You must know how life-altering this journey is.

  • No worldly problem should be on your mind.

  • You must not have any distractions. Try to take care of everything beforehand. Solve all your issues and get rid of all your worries and pending tasks.

  • Prepare your mind for travelling and spending time in a new country.

How to Prepare Yourself Physically?

  • Stay hydrated.

  • Start mild exercises.

  • Walk frequently.

  • Eat healthy food.

  • Take care of your medication.

Browse, Compare, and Book the Correct Umrah Packages

The next step of your Umrah preparation is booking the right Umrah package. You can start by browsing local travel agencies in your hometown that offer these services. The Saudi Embassy authorizes the travel agency. So, keep that in mind while browsing. You can look for reviews and suggestions of agencies that you shortlist.

After you have a list of authentic travel agencies, you can start browsing their services and the types of packages they offer. This helps in comparing the costs of similar services. You can then choose the package that suits your requirements and budget perfectly. Standard services you will receive are the Umrah visa, flight, or accommodation. You can add any additional services you want and customize your Umrah package.

Learn About the Umrah Rituals

muslims performing umrah

After you are satisfied with all the bookings, you can start learning about the Umrah rituals. These are not as extensive as the Hajj rituals. You can easily perform an Umrah within a few hours. Let’s have an overview of the Umrah rituals.


The first Umrah ritual is Ihram. Ihram is a state of mind and body. You can be clean and wear specific clothing to enter the state of Ihram. Moreover, you must abide by all the rules of this state. Men must wear two unstitched pieces of cloth. Women can wear their regular clothes, but they must be fully covered. The hands and faces of the women must not be covered. Here are some of the rules that you must follow by during the state of Ihram:

  • You must not wear any perfumed items.

  • Men must not cover their heads.

  • You must not smoke or take drugs.

  • Refrain from fighting, quarrelling, backbiting, and suggestive acts.

  • Don’t kill the insects.

  • Sexual activity is prohibited.

  • Avoid cutting your hair and nails.


The second ritual of Umrah is Tawaf. After observing the state of Ihram, you will arrive at the Holy Kaaba for a pilgrimage. Tawaf circumambulates around the Kaaba and performs supplications.


After performing the Tawaf, pilgrims must go to the holy hills of Safa and Marwah to perform Sa’i. This involves performing rounds between the two hills.

Halq orTaqsir

In the last ritual, men can shave their heads or trim their hair to equal lengths. Women must trim their hair, too, equal to the size of a fingertip. Cutting of nails is also mandatory.

Start Packing

As the days of your pilgrimage come near, you must start packing. Let’s guide you a little about the packing process.

  • Pack all your essentials.

  • Carry comfortable clothes and shoes.

  • Keep copies of your travel documents.

  • Take your medication with you.

  • Keep your gadgets.

  • Avoid overpacking.

Hopefully, this step-by-step guide on preparing for Umrah will be very helpful for you. You must know how to do everything so your trip will go smoothly. So, stop stressing, take a deep breath, and start ticking everything off the list individually. Soon, you will be at the sacred house of the Almighty, and all the frustration from preparing for the journey will vanish in no time, Insha'Allah!

