Little Muslims: 12 Islamic Nursery Rhymes for Children

Nursery rhymes are a fun way to teach children about Islam. We have put together 12 popular nursery rhymes for Muslim children.

1. A Nursery Rhyme about Islam

Bismillah, let's start with His name
Allah is great, let's praise His fame
With every step, we say Alhamdulillah
Thanking Allah for all that we have

Five times a day, we pray and bow
To Allah, our faith we vow
We fast in Ramadan, to cleanse our soul
And share with others, to make them whole

Zakat we give, to those in need
Helping others is a noble deed
Hajj we make, to His holy land
In a journey of faith, we take His command

With every breath, we say His name
Allah is great, our faith we proclaim
InshaAllah, we'll strive to be
The best we can be, just wait and see.
Insha'Allah the best Muslims we'll be!

2. A Nursery Rhyme about Islam with a Du'a

Bismillah, let's start the rhyme
Allah is One, all the time
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), his teachings we know
His Sunnah we shall follow, for it helps us grow

We greet with Salaam, peace be upon you
Kindness and love, in all that we do
We read the Qur'an, it's our guide
To learn and understand, with each page we glide

We seek Allah's forgiveness when we make mistakes
For His mercy and love, we know He'll take
We remember the poor and give from our heart
To share our blessings, it's a good start

We trust in Allah and make du'a
For all our needs, He's the One to hear
In this world and the Hereafter too
Our faith in Allah will see us through

Bismillah, we end this rhyme
May Allah's blessings be with us all the time

Thanking Allah, Remembering the Prophets

3. A Nursery Rhyme about Thanking Allah, Remembering the Prophets & Family

Bismillah, let's start the song
Allah is with us, all day long
We thank Him for all, big and small
His blessings surround us, one and all

We remember the prophets, from long ago
Their stories inspire us, to be good and grow
From Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them all
Their teachings guide us, to stand tall

We love our family and friends, with all our heart
Sharing and caring is a great start
We speak the truth, and do what's right
With Allah's help, we shine so bright

We help those in need, wherever they are
For Allah loves those, who do good by far
We seek knowledge, to learn and grow
For with knowledge, our faith will glow

Bismillah, we end this rhyme
May Allah's blessings be with us all the time

4. A Nursery Rhyme about Wudhu (ablution)

Bismillah, let's start to pray
With wudhu, we'll purify today
We wash our hands, up to the wrist
And say "Bismillah", as we begin the list

We rinse our mouth, and nose too
And wash our face, that's what we do
Then our arms, up to the elbow
One by one, careful as we go

We wipe our heads, with wet hands
And ears too, as Allah commands
Then we wash our feet, up to the ankle
All clean and fresh, it feels like a miracle

Wudhu is important, we know it's true
To pray to Allah, with a heart so new
It cleans our souls and makes us pure
And helps us worship, with faith so sure

So let's make wudhu before we pray
And thank Allah, for this blessed way
May He accept our prayers, and guide us right
And lead us to Jannah, in His shining light.

A Nursery Rhyme about Eid

5. A Nursery Rhyme about Eid

Bismillah, let's celebrate
Eid is here, it's time to elate
The month of Ramadan has come to an end
And Eid al-Fitr is our special friend

We dress in new clothes, and perfume too
And head to the mosque, with a happy crew
We pray to Allah, with thanks and praise
For all His blessings, that fill our days

We hug and greet, with a smile so wide
And share sweets, with love inside
We visit our family, and friends we know
And spread happiness, wherever we go

Eid al-Adha is another feast
A time to remember, Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam's peace
We sacrifice, as he did long ago
To show our faith, and love to show

We give to the poor, and those in need
To share our blessings, it's a noble deed
And celebrate with joy and cheer
Eid is a time, to draw loved ones near

So let's celebrate, with love and grace
And thank Allah, for His endless grace
May Eid bring us closer, to our faith and heart
And make this world, a better part.

6. A Nursery Rhyme about the Adhaan (Call to Prayer)

Bismillah, let's start the day
With the Adhaan, it's time to pray
The muezzin's call, it fills the air
Inviting us, to worship and share

Allahu Akbar, four times he'll say
To start the call, and guide our way
Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah
Testifying our faith, we'll never fall

Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah
Proclaiming our love, for the Prophet so full
Hayya 'alas-Salah, hayya 'alal-Falah
Come to prayer, come to success, we heed the call

Allahu Akbar, two times more
To end the Adhaan, we'll adore
La ilaha illa Allah
There's no God, but Allah, we'll never withdraw

The Adhaan is beautiful, it's a blessing from above
A reminder to worship, and fill our hearts with love
Let's answer the call, with a smile so bright
And pray to Allah, with all our might.

Makkah and Madinah Nursery Rhyme

7. Makkah and Madinah Nursery Rhyme

Bismillah, let's sing with glee
About two blessed cities, so dear to see
Makkah and Madinah, the holy land
Where Islam was born, with Allah's command

Makkah is the birthplace, of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
A city of peace, where faith will never dim
The Kaaba, the sacred mosque, stands so tall
And pilgrims come, from all over, to heed Allah's call

Madinah, the city of the Prophet's migration
A place of peace, and pure devotion
The Prophet's mosque, it's a special sight
And visiting it brings joy so bright

Makkah and Madinah, are cities so grand
And visiting them is a dream so planned
We perform Umrah, and Hajj too
To fulfil our faith, and renew

The holy cities, they fill our hearts
With love and faith, that never departs
May we visit them, one day soon
And feel Allah's blessings, under the shining moon

Bismillah, we end this rhyme
With a love for Allah, that will never decline
May Makkah and Madinah, always shine
And guide us to Jannah, back to Allah so divine.

8. A Nursery Rhyme about Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Bismillah, let's sing with joy
About the journey of Hajj, which we all enjoy
It's a pilgrimage, to Makkah so dear
A journey of faith, that brings us near

We start with Ihram, the simple dress
Two pieces of cloth, that we wear to express
Our unity, and humility too
And focus on Allah, in all that we do

We head to Mina, to spend the night
And pray to Allah, with all our might
Then to Arafat, we make our way
To stand before Allah, on this special day

We pray and seek forgiveness, with hearts so pure
And hope that Allah's mercy will forever endure
Then we head to Muzdalifah and stay for a while
Collecting pebbles, for the Jamarat mile

Back to Mina, we go the next day
To stone the Jamarat, in a special way
Then we sacrifice, as Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihis salaam) did long ago
To show our faith, and for our love to show

We celebrate Eid, with joy and cheer
And visit the Kaaba, that's so dear
Seven times we circle, with love and grace
And end our journey, with a smiling face

Hajj is a journey, that fills our heart
With love and faith, that will never depart
May we all perform this blessed journey one day
And earn Allah's pleasure, in every way.

Bismillah, we end this rhyme
With a love for Allah, that will never decline
May Hajj bring us closer, to our faith and heart
And guide us to Jannah, to Allah so divine.

A Nursery Rhyme about Hajj

9. A Nursery Rhyme about Sawm (fasting)

Bismillah, let's sing beautifully
About Sawm, that's so special to see
It's a time of patience and self-control
And a time to purify, the heart and soul

We wake up before dawn, to start our fast
And eat Suhoor, a meal that will last
Until sunset, when we break our fast
With dates and water, that's a delicious blast

We stay away, from food and drink
And focus on Allah, in all that we think
We pray and read Qur'an, with all our might
And strive to make, our deeds so right

Sawm is a time, to feel Allah's grace
And to remember the less fortunate's place
We give charity and help those in need
To share our blessings, it's a noble deed

Then comes Eid, a time of delight
To celebrate with family, and friends so bright
We thank Allah, for His mercy so true
And pray for His blessings, to see us through

Sawm is a month, that we all adore
A time of worship, that we all explore
May we all fast, with love and cheer
And earn Allah's pleasure, every year

Bismillah, we end this rhyme
With a love for Allah, that will never decline
May Sawm bring us closer, to our faith and heart
And guide us to Jannah, to Allah so divine.

10. A Nursery Rhyme about Zakat

Bismillah, let's sing wonderfully
About Zakat, which means charity
It's a duty of ours, to share what we own
And to help those in need, who are alone

Zakat is a way, to purify our heart
To give from our wealth, it's a noble start
We help the poor, and the needy too
To share our blessings, it's what we should do

We give from our wealth, with love and our share
To those in need, who need our care
We share our food, and our clothes as well
To make them happy, it's a good spell

Zakat is a way, to earn Allah's grace
To show our love, and to keep the pace
We give with a smile and a grateful heart
To please Allah, it's a good start

Bismillah, let's give Zakat with love
To help the poor, and pray for blessings from above
May Allah bless us, and our wealth too
And guide us to Jannah, in all that we do.

A Nursery Rhyme about Shahadah

11. A Nursery Rhyme about Shahadah (declaration of Faith)

Bismillah, let's sing beautifully
About Shahadah, that's so special to see
It's the declaration of our faith so true
And a way to show, our love for Allah too

We say "La ilaha illa Allah", with all our might
There is no God, but Allah, that's so right
And we say "Muhammad Rasulullah", so clear
He's the Messenger of Allah, whom we revere

Shahadah is a way, to enter Islam so bright
To believe in Allah, with all our might
And to follow the Qur'an, and the Sunnah too
To live our lives, in what Allah wills us to do

We pray five times a day, with all our heart
And fast in Ramadan, to make a good start
We give Zakat, to help those in need
And perform Hajj, to follow the Prophet's lead

Shahadah is a way, to earn Allah's grace
To show our love, and to keep the pace
We live our lives, with love and care
To please Allah, it's a good affair

Bismillah, let's say Shahadah with love
To follow our faith, and Allah above
May Allah bless us and guide us so true
And guide us to Jannah, in all that we do.

12. A Nursery Rhyme about Salah (prayer)

Bismillah, let's sing wonderfully
About Salah, that's so special to see
It's a way to connect, with Allah so true
And to show our love, in all that we do

We pray five times a day, with all our heart
To remember Allah, and never be apart
We stand in prayer and bow so low
To show our submission, it's the way to go

Salah is a way, to purify our soul
To seek Allah's mercy, and make us whole
We read the Qur'an, and make du'a too
To earn Allah's blessings, it's what we should do

We pray Fajr, before the dawn's light
And Dhuhr in the day, to keep us bright
Asr in the afternoon, before the sun sets
And Maghrib in the evening, as the sky frets

As night falls, we offer Isha prayer
And seek Allah's mercy with heartfelt care
Salah is a means to earn divine favour
To express our devotion and stay on track, we savour

Bismillah, let's pray Salah with love
To follow our faith, and Allah above
May Allah bless us, and guide us so true
And guide us to Jannah, in all that we do.

