Du'a and Its Importance: Best Times When Du'a is Accepted

Du'a or supplication has a very significant role in Islam. It is a way to connect directly with Allah Almighty and share our hopes, gratitude, and needs with Him. We are truly blessed as Muslims that Allah has provided us with ways to build a strong connection with him through du'a. We also find comfort in tough times by making du'a and asking for our creator’s help.

Another beautiful aspect of du'a is that there is no fixed time to ask Du'a. We can make du'a anywhere and anytime, with or without wudu. Developing the habit of making supplication helps us to find peace and makes our belief stronger.

What is Du'a?

Du'a is an Arabic word that has many different meanings. Three main meanings are listed here.

  • The first meaning of du'a is to praise Allah. This means du'a is not only for asking but it is the admittance of the supreme creator.
  • The second meaning of du'a or invocation is to seek blessings from Allah and beg him for his forgiveness.
  • The third meaning of du'a is to call Allah in hardships and ask for peace in tough times.

All the above meanings of making du'a have one main objective and that is to always call the one and almighty for whatever we need.

Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) once said: “The most excellent form of worship is du'a.” This means du'a is the most important aspect of worship without which it is incomplete. To make a stronger bond with our creator, we need to make the habit of connecting with Him in every hardship and even in peace. Recite any of the 99 names of Allah to praise Him and pray for your needs. He surely listens to the depressed and oppressed mankind.

Importance of Making Du'a

Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said about du'a: “And your Lord says: Call upon me, I will respond to you.”

muslim man making dua in a masjid

Making supplication is an important part of worship in Islam. Indeed it is a blessing of Allah upon us as he has given us a direct link to talk and ask him for whatever we want. Think how blessed we are to have a merciful creator like him. He has given us ways to ask him as only he can solve all our problems.

Another significant importance of making du'a is that through this method we get the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. He will keep giving us his bounties and favours. Furthermore, supplications are very powerful in themselves as they hold the power to change our fate. Moreover, making du'a continuously helps to build a strong relationship with the creator.

Some key points to highlight the importance of du'a are listed below:

  1. Connection with the Creator: invocation helps to build a relationship with God after which we share our hopes, needs, gratitude, and feelings with him without hesitation.
  2. Inner Peace: making du'a helps to achieve inner peace. As we share all our problems and demands with the Almighty, we feel lighthearted and ultimately find solace.
  3. Sense of Hope: making du'a instils a sense of hope and positivity in us. It reminds us that we can seek guidance in our lives from God.
  4. Gratitude for Blessings: it is important to make supplication because it teaches us how to pay gratitude for Allah’s blessings.

Best Times to Make Du'a

Allah has given us several ways to shower his mercy and blessings upon us. One of the ways is that he has provided us with some special times and days when the du'a has a very high chance of getting accepted. These special times are listed below.

  • Fridays, Before Maghrib: There is a time on Friday between Asar and Maghrib prayer, specifically the last hour of Asar when the du'a made has a very high chance of acceptance. This hour is also referred to as the “Hour of Acceptance”.
  • During Prostration (Sujood): Another special time to get your supplication accepted is during the prostration. In Islam, during prayer, prostration is an act of submitting yourself to Allah and praising and glorifying him. Therefore, this is also a special time when the du'a gets accepted as this is the time when a person is very close to his creator.
  • Last Third Part of the Night: The time just before dawn is also considered to be a special time for the acceptance of supplications. At this time, one can also offer a prayer named Tahajud, after which the du'a made is always answered.
  • During Ramadan: Ramadan is an Islamic month that has the utmost significance. Muslims fast in this month for Allah. It is said that you should ask for Allah’s blessings and forgiveness during the days and nights of Ramadan. Ramadan is known as a month of blessings and forgiveness. Therefore, it is the best time to make du'a during Ramadan as it has a high chance of getting accepted.
  • During Rain: It is also proved through many Hadiths that a du'a made during rain is never rejected. Therefore, it is also the best time to get your supplications accepted when it is raining.
  • At the time of Iftar: When Muslims observe a fast all day for Allah, then at Magrib they break the fast. It is said that at the time of breaking fast, one should supplicate as there is a high chance that all his wishes will be granted by Almighty Allah.
  • During Travel: This fact is supported by Hadith that a traveller’s du'a is always answered and accepted. Therefore, one should invocate while travelling to get the blessings of Allah.

Allah Almighty is the only one who knows what is best for us and when to grant it to us. However, we should never stop supplicating as Allah always becomes happy when people ask him for everything. A du'a not accepted at once will be rewarded in the long run with the best alternative. Therefore, always make du'a and Allah will reward you with his best. Ameen.

encourage children to make dua


  1. Can I make du'a anytime I want? A du'a can be made whenever or wherever you want. There is no fixed time for making du'a.
  2. Can we read du'a without wudu? A du'a is a type of prayer that does not require wudu. You can make du'a with or without wudu.

